Welcome to the Web site for A. Michael Noll.

This site contains biographical information and publication lists for Dr. Noll.

Currently retired, A. Michael Noll has had a varied career in communications as a researcher at Bell Labs, a pioneer in computer art and animation, staff member to the White House Science Advisor, AT&T manager and planner, academic professor and administrator, author, columnist, classical music critic, archivist, and biographer. He continues to write about telecommunication and other issues.

Dr. A. Michael Noll is professor emeritus at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California. He was dean of the Annenberg School for an interim period from 1992 to 1994. Dr. Noll spent nearly fifteen years performing basic research at Bell Labs and is one of the earliest pioneers in the use of digital computers in the visual arts and stereoscopic animation for art and science. In the early 1970s, he was on the staff of the President's Science Advisor at the White House and later worked at AT&T identifying opportunities for new products and services. He is a Senior Affiliated Research Fellow at the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information at Columbia University's Business School and was a member of the adjunct faculty of the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He has had published over ninety professional papers, was granted six patents for his inventions at Bell Labs, and is the author of twelve books on various aspects of communications. Since 1990, he has had published over 130 op-eds and column pieces in various national newspapers and trade publications and also wrote over 30 reviews of classical music for the Classical New Jersey Society. He archived the papers of Dr. William O. Baker of Bell Labs and also is responsible for the William O. Baker web site.

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Updated: October 8, 2019